Peer Advisory Groups

Pricing - Peer Advisory Groups

All pricing is set by Vistage Worldwide and depends on the type of group you join, ranging from large company CEOs, small business/emerging entrepreneur CEOs, key executive groups, and smaller trusted advisor groups. Please contact Scott directly to discuss which group is most appropriate and to schedule an informational interview.

Once the details are understood, a selection interview will take place to make sure there is a cultural fit within the group and to make sure there are no conflicts of interest with other members of the group. Typically, at this point the business leader will join the group for lunch to get to know the members and to be interviewed by them. Being selected to join a personal board of advisors is more art than science!

To read more about Vistage groups, click HERE

What can you do TODAY?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • When I have a key decision to make, with whom do I talk about it?
  • Is their input un-biased, honest, and agenda-free?

When conversation with your professional peers is at its best, it’s “care-frontational”. With kindness, your peers hold you accountable and help you confront what’s holding you back—always with the best intentions for you at heart. Consider developing a personal board of advisors and talk to them about what you need from them.